Vocational studies

Health & Social Care 6 C's of Care Poster / Colouring in Sheet / Lesson Filler
An A4 poster which includes the 6 C’s of care. Useful as a colouring activity / lesson filler.

EYFS Seven Areas of Learning Colouring In Page / Poster College Course Lesson Filler
A colouring page based on the 7 areas of learning of the EYFS.
A great lesson filler for students

Equality and Diversity Lesson / Workbook - Discrimination / Inequality - AIM Level 2
This lesson is based on the AIM Level 2 qualification; Equality and Diversity.
A 45 minute lesson that covers the assessment criteria 4.3 and 4.4:
To understand the difference between inequality and discrimination
To understand how to assess the possible effects of discrimination on individuals, organisations and communities
The lesson consists of the following:
An overview of the lesson’s objectives
Understanding the term ‘Inequality’
Understanding the term ‘diversity’ with examples of protected characteristics
Examples of discrimination and a question that asks the group for examples of discrimination
An explanation of the difference between inequality and discrimination with a detailed example
An overview of the effects of discrimination on a person’s mental health?
Overview of the effects of discrimination on individuals
Overview of the effect of discriminations on organisations
Overview of the effect of discriminations on society
Group task: Watch the following videos and write down ways in which the following groups of people were discriminated against:
Why were these groups discriminated against?
In what ways were these groups discriminated against?
(video links are in the notes section on the PPT)
A booklet is provided for the students to work through which help them meet the assessment criteria and follows the PowerPoint.

Equality and Diversity AIM Level 2 Lesson / Workbook - Equality, Inequality and Social Inequality
This lesson is based on the AIM Level 2 qualification; Equality and Diversity.
It is an hour lesson that Covers the assessment criteria 1.1: Define the term Equality
The lesson consists of the following:
An overview of the lesson’s objectives
Group question: What do you think of when you think of the term ‘equality?’
Understanding the Term ‘Equality’ definition
Understanding the Term ‘Inequality’ definition
Group Question: look at the images on the right side of the slide: what do you think each image represents?
Overview and examples of the following inequalities: age, gender and race
Task: Create either a poster, leaflet or fact file that gives information about one type of social inequality that you have learnt about today. You will need to need to provide an overview of your topic, as well as providing your audience with relevant information that can include facts and statistics.
A booklet is provided for the students to work through which will meet this criteria.

Childcare EYFS : 18 Debate Topics: Breast feeding, Funding, Working Mothers, EYFS Settings etc...
A great resource. Debate topics can be used as lesson starters or this resource can be used as a lesson.
A 34 page PowerPoint and 2 X word documents.
This pack includes includes:
18 debate topics
1 debate planning form
4 X four corner debate posters
The PPT gives detailed ideas of four different ways to implement your debate.